Search found 2 matches

by serdahl
16 September 2008, 16:17 PM
Forum: ZBasic Language
Topic: How to install Compiler v2.6.0 update ?
Replies: 1
Views: 4329

How to install Compiler v2.6.0 update ?

My current versions of ZX software downloaded 1 month ago are stable and working perfectly. (Win XP Pro SP3 environment).

How do I get the new v2.6.0 software into my computer without ruining the arrangement?

Thank you, Eric
by serdahl
10 October 2006, 13:23 PM
Forum: ZX-24
Topic: DC pulse carried over an analog signal
Replies: 8
Views: 10593

Re: DC pulse carried over an analog signal

Hi all, Here is my challange. I have a camera that is both color and black and white. It has IR leds that come on automatically when it gets dark. The problem I'm having is that as it begins to get dark the leds will flicker on and off causing white spots in the viewed image. There is a small pot t...