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Joined: 15 December 2006, 12:12 PM
Location: ~Cincinnati

Re: ESP32

Post by dlh »

twesthoff wrote:Wow, that has lots of possibilities. Fun to try that out. Is it an additional hardware board or native to the ESP32 chip? I looked but didn't find what you showed below.
It's the very last page of... ... nes_en.pdf
It's not at all clear whether it requires additional hardware, a cloud connection, all the above or whatever. But it is definitely intriguing.

The only other mention of ESP32-Lyra I can find is in On-Site Technology Display near the bottom of... ... osun-group
but it adds nothing to the PDF.
Posts: 395
Joined: 15 December 2006, 12:12 PM
Location: ~Cincinnati

Post by dlh »

There is a schematic for the AnalogLamb Arduino style ESP32 board on GitHub...
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