keypad to serial - or something

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keypad to serial - or something

Post by victorf »

I have a need to occasionally attach a 4 X 4 matrix keypad to a project. I would like to just plug it in somehow and be able to detect when the keypad is connected. I would just as soon not run an 8+ wire bundle to the project and have been searching for a ready-made, relatively cheap solution to sending the key presses to the project. Does anyone know of a ready made keypad-to-serial (or something) thingy that could get the job done? I don't want to spend time coming up with a solution if at all possible. The distance would not be far - a couple of feet max. I am attaching to a zbasic driven app.

Any enlightenment will be appreciated.

Vic Fraenckel
windswaytoo ATSIGN gmail DOT com
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Keypad to serial

Post by cloxwerx »


I scanned the net for a long time a while back to find a device that took a PC keyboard and painlessly converted it to a simple ASCII serial data stream. Multilabs makes this device ( ). While you can conceivably do this with a ZX-24, why bother with the complexity of reinventing this wheel? Sadly, this does not directly solve your problem for a 4x4 keypad, BUT I mention it since many on this forum may be in need of such a device.

However, this device (Google "ABTPRO ASCII Backpack Matrix Keypad Encoder" ) does seem to address your dilemma with a 16 key pad. I haven't tried it, so you may have to report back.

Happy programming.

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Post by Don_Kirby »

How about something like this. I just glanced quickly at it, but it's an 8 bit digital I/O with an I2C interface. It would only need 4 wires, and detecting it's presence would be easy - if it doesn't respond to it's address, it's not there. The website looks old though. I have no idea about availability.

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Joined: 01 January 2006, 4:08 AM
Location: Schenectady, New York

Post by victorf »

I found this today.

I vaguely remember it from a project about 6 years ago.

Thanks for the other suggestions. I will take a close look at all of these and see which is best.

Any further suggestions will be appreciated too.

Vic Fraenckel
windswaytoo ATSIGN gmail DOT com
Posts: 739
Joined: 13 November 2005, 6:39 AM

Post by spamiam »

The LM8333 has an I2C interface and can handle lots of keys. It is not too expensive, but it is not a "ready to use" solution.

Of course this could be solved by a dedicated slave ZX running the keypad interface and then communicating to the master ZX.

The cost of this would be the cost of the ZX and a few pieces of support components. I would expect this to show you the upper limit of the cost you should expect to spend on a solution. So, the $29 interface mentioned here is starting to get close to the upper limit.

If you have the capability to deal with a raw Atmel microcontroller, then you could solve this for something approaching the cost of the LM8333, but have the flexibility to program it to your specific needs.

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