The others pins have the pullup/pulldown already so it should run fine with nothing connected. However, you will need to make some connections in order to download code. The simplest strategy is to use the "manual reset protocol". To do so, when you're ready to download ground GPIO0 and then momentarily ground RST. When the ESP boots up it sees that GPIO0 is grounded and it enters the "command mode". At that point, you can press F7 in the ZBasic IDE and it will begin the download. While the download is proceeding, remove the ground from GPIO0. The device should begin running that downloaded app when the download completes. If not, give it a reset.twesthoff wrote:Pins 1-4 are self explanatory, how should I connect the other pins?
It is probably more convenient to use one of the "automatic reset protocols" that will allow the IDE to get the ESP into download mode and then download. The one that I would suggest is the one called "DTR Only" (in the ZBasic for ESP8266 manual). The pullup resistors shown should already be on the device so all you need is a capacitor (100nF ceramic should work) and a diode (small signal silicon like the 1N914 or, better, a Schottky diode like the BAT42).
Looking at your pin list again, I believe that it is incorrect. The ESP-01 module that I have has the pinout shown in the image of the third post in this thread.