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Weird Windows problem???

Posted: 12 July 2007, 3:23 AM
by victorf
This is a bit off-topic, if there is such a thing in this particular forum. If it is inappropriate I apologize up-front.

When I come across an interesting web site I place (drag and drop) the icon on the address bar of my browser (Firefox) onto the desktop instead of loading the URL into Firefox's bookmarks. This allows me to re-visit the site a couple of times without cluttering up the bookmarks. If I wish to keep the location "for ever" then it goes into the bookmarks and I delete it off my desktop. It is easy to delete it if I get bored with the site.

This works well for my way of doing things and, until lately, has never given me any problems. In the past couple of weeks these desktop links have been "acting up" by causing an error message every time I click on one of them. The message is:

"Windows cannot find xxxx. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search" There is a big red X in the upper left corner if the message window.

where xxxx is the URL of the site. This message ALWAYS appears regardless of the desktop link I click on. After appearing, if I wait (taking NO action), perhaps 5-8 seconds, Firefox launches and displays the proper page (xxxx).

I am running XP Home addition with SP2 and all upgrades on a 1gb desktop machine which I have owned for several years.

Has anyone experienced something similar to this behavior? Has anyone any idea what caused this behavior to suddenly appear?

Any enlightenment will be appreciated.


Posted: 12 July 2007, 4:02 AM
by Don_Kirby
Far be it for me to claim any in-depth knowledge of Windows(tm). That said, I had also installed SP2 when it became available, and have since uninstalled it, as it caused many similar issues. Since uninstalling, the issues have disappeared.

I've learned, through trial and error (and error, and error) that I shouldn't try to 'fix' a windows installation if something like this creeps up. The amount of time it takes to simply reinstall is minimal compared to the hours (and sometimes days) that can be spent looking through forums, the MS knowledgebase, and any other information sources available in an effort to find the appropriate fix. If you've spent more than an hour trying to repair the problem, spend the next hour reinstalling. If you're not upgrading or otherwise changing the operating system, you won't need to reinstall any of your other software.

Also, there was an update for Firefox released recently. If you haven't installed it yet, try that first, but by all means, don't waste hours of your life trying to fix windows. Even the MS tech support would rather you just reinstall.


Posted: 12 July 2007, 18:33 PM
by stevech
I have used SP2 and FireFox for eons. Never had such problems.
I'd try that level 1 tech support thing. uninstall and reinstall FireFox.
You shouldn't lose your bookmarks or toolbar links.

I also use and like freeware "FoxMarks synch" - simple download to each PC that you use with FIrefox. It keeps your toolbar/bookmarks on its server and you can download or synch to or synch from it whenever you wish, or automatically. And use it as an archive.