Internal Error: no means to generate code for expression

Discussion specific to the ZX-1281 and ZX-1280 microcontrollers as well as the ZX-1281 and ZX-1280 Dev Boards.
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Internal Error: no means to generate code for expression

Post by pjc30943 »

On a 1281e, the following code produces the error "Internal Error: no means to generate code for expression" :

Code: Select all

Option TargetCPU zx1281e
Option ExtRamConfig On
Option PortPinEncoding Off
Option TaskStackMargin 12
Option RamSize 64*1024-Register.RamStart

public const a as single = 4.0
public const b as integer = 100

Public Sub Main()

	debug.print csng(a) * csng(b)
End Sub
Changing "csng(a)" to "a" fixes the issue. Of course, I am accidentally casting a single to a single in the example above, and that is what leads to the error.
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Re: Internal Error: no means to generate code for expression

Post by dkinzer »

pjc30943 wrote:[T]he following code produces the error "Internal Error: no means to generate code for expression"
Thanks for reporting this anomaly. The cause of the problem has been found and rectified. The correction will be included in a future release.
- Don Kinzer
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