Convert 1280 Board to 1280n?

Discussion specific to the ZX-1281 and ZX-1280 microcontrollers as well as the ZX-1281 and ZX-1280 Dev Boards.
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Convert 1280 Board to 1280n?

Post by ZBWillUser »


Is it at all possible to convert a 1280 board to a 1280n by somehow deleting the code on the 1280 and then adding and locking the proper code for the 1280n? (If I could get the 1280n code I would use it one time and then delete my copy of it. I will just need it once.)

I am getting two boards, one a 1280 and the other a 1280n and would rather they both be 1280n (there was a minor problem in getting the order straight, at this end, not at your end).

If not, I will be happy with the 1280 as is. (I just hate doing board software updates because if they fail, they could "brick" a board.)

I am expecting to have a great ZBasic experience!
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Re: Convert 1280 Board to 1280n?

Post by dkinzer »

ZBWillUser wrote:Is it at all possible to convert a 1280 board to a 1280n [...]
If you will send it back to us, we will gladly re-flash it as a ZX-1280n. Just send it (along with your name/address) to the address shown on the Contact Us page. We'll send it back by USPS First Class or Priority Mail (unless you arrange for shipment by another method).
- Don Kinzer
Posts: 13
Joined: 15 March 2012, 15:18 PM

Post by ZBWillUser »

Thanks for the quick response.

I will do just that.
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