Conditional Compile Defines in .pjt file

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Conditional Compile Defines in .pjt file

Post by Don_Kirby »

May or may not be a native mode problem here.

I have some conditional compile defines in my project file that don't seem to work. They don't produce any errors.

For example, in the project file:
And in Module1.bas:

Code: Select all

Sub Main()
#IfDef EnableOutput
#Notice Debug Output Enabled
'turn on a flag
End Sub
When compiled, I don't see the Notice, nor does the code (flag in this case) get executed. When the define is placed in the module, the operation is correct.

As a side note, are the defines case sensitive? It seems as they are, but in such a way that if I don't capitalize the first letter, I get an error from the compiler:

Code: Select all

Error: unrecognized option - "-outputenable"
  appeared on line 3 of file "definetest.pjt"
    invoked from command line
>Exit code: 1
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Re: Conditional Compile Defines in .pjt file

Post by dkinzer »

Don_Kirby wrote:

Code: Select all

Error: unrecognized option - "-outputenable"
The syntax for defining a conditional symbol is

Code: Select all

I think that that change will resolve the problem.

By the way, the --enable-conditionals option has no bearing on this particular issue and, based on what I can see, its presence has no effect. The purpose of that option is to enable conditional constructs in a project file or arguments file. A conditional construct in the project or arguments file could be used to have certain files used or options in effect depending on a particular condition.

Conditional constructs are not enabled by default in these files because they are introduced by a pound sign which is a comment character in these files. If conditional constructs were enabled by default and you just happened to have a comment line that began with #if, a syntax error would likely result.
- Don Kinzer