I've posted an update to the compiler that corrects the new problems that were discovered in the version posted yesterday. The .zip file contains an updated zxlib.h and a new file both of which go in the zxlib sudirectory of the installation directory. The .zip file contains the correct path prefix for both of those files.
http://www.zbasic.net/download/ZBasic/2 ... 2-3-14.zip
Compiler Update - v2.3.14
Compiler Update - v2.3.14
Last edited by dkinzer on 10 March 2008, 8:57 AM, edited 1 time in total.
- Don Kinzer
It seems there's a path issue here.
-Don>"C:\Program Files\ZBasic\zbasic.exe" --target-device=ZX24n --directory="D:\uG\ZBasic/" --project="ZXOnly.pjt"
make: Entering directory `D:/uG/ZBasic/Temp/ZXOnly'
avr-gcc -o ZXOnly.i1 -mmcu=atmega644p -L"C:/Program Files/ZBasic/zxlib" -Wl,-T,C:/Program Files/ZBasic/zxlib/zx_avr5.lds -u rtc_ISR -u int1_ISR MainTask.o RunSetup.o AlarmTask.o DisplayTask.o DimmerTask.o HourTask.o SensorTask.o LoadDefualts.o Globals.o ChangeLog.o ModbusTask.o -lzx24n -lm
avr-gcc.exe: Files/ZBasic/zxlib/zx_avr5.lds: No such file or directory
make: *** [ZXOnly.i1] Error 1
make: Leaving directory `D:/uG/ZBasic/Temp/ZXOnly'
Internal Error: an error occurred while building ZXOnly.zxc
>Exit code: 1
The change required to correct the problem was extremely localized, only affecting one part of the makefile that is generated to perform the backend build. Consequently, we felt comfortable not running the entire testsuite prior to posting the new version for use by a limited audience.Don_Kirby wrote:2 releases in 1 hour and 15 minutes.
I assume that you no longer see the problem.
- Don Kinzer
That would be an accurate assumption.dkinzer wrote:I assume that you no longer see the problem.
No errors. Target device: ZX24n, Code: 34820 bytes, RAM: 1056 bytes, Persistent memory: 964 bytes
>Exit code: 0
I certainly didn't mean to imply that you should have, only that I'm having a hard time breaking the new versions as fast as you're releasing them. Can you at least make it appear like it's difficult? I don't know, make up big long descriptions of how difficult this or that problem was to track down. Whine a bit about the schedule slipping because of the bugs that crept in during that last revision. Blame the newest bug on the marketing team for promising features that weren't implemented yet. Perhaps make some vague remarks that you never get to see the kids anymore because they've got you locked in your cubicle till all hours of the night.dkinzer wrote:we felt comfortable not running the entire testsuite