Arduino compile

Discussion of issues related specifically to writing code for native mode devices. This includes ZBasic code as well as assembly language code and C code, both inline and standalone.
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Joined: 17 January 2006, 19:59 PM
Location: Cape Coral

Post by GTBecker »

GTBecker wrote:> ... fresh links?

I've restored the .jpg so the first Dropbox link now works. ... CN1138.JPG

I think the second link was just a short movie which wouldn't help you, so I've zipped my work folder of that project and called it OLED_Demo2 so the link will now yield a ~1.5MB zip, despite the lack of a file name extension. Download the file and rename it to and you should have a working Arduino sketch, albeit for Adafruit's small OLED that's surely different from your LCD, but perhaps helpful. Good luck.
Edit: Actually, the Arduino sketch is not in that zip - and I can't find it on my desktop machine. It is, nevertheless, available on Adafruit's site at . You'll also need her graphics libraries at to make this code functional.
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