Just getting back into this old project after a house moving which has, well distracted me
Anyway I've had a few computer re-installs in the last 8 months or so so everything is fresh install and I'm a little rusty on how I left things.
I'm just getting compile errors, which I don't believe I was getting before
Code: Select all
guicmd.c:1058: error: expected ';' before '(' token
guicmd.c:1058: error: expected ';' before '}' token
guicmd.c:1058: error: expected statement before ')' token
guicmd.c:1062: error: expected ')' before 'else'
guicmd.c:1088: error: expected ';' before '}' token
guicmd.c:1090: error: expected expression before 'else'
Code: Select all
IC0((void (*)(String))(uint16_t)(mzv_wait4userInputAddr), mzv_inputStr);
zv_waiting4UserInput = 0;
strCopy(&mzv_inputStr, STRTBL(0));
Thanks for any help