328 identification

Discussion of issues related specifically to writing code for native mode devices. This includes ZBasic code as well as assembly language code and C code, both inline and standalone.
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328 identification

Post by FFMan »

I've just received my order which includes a 328n and a 328l. One has a yellow dot and one a white dot on the IC.

All the online docs i can see only show chips with yellow dots, inc both the 328n and 328l pages - can someone assist please ?

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Re: 328 identification

Post by dkinzer »

FFMan wrote:One has a yellow dot and one a white dot on the IC.
The white dot denotes a ZX-328n and the yellow dot identifies a ZX-328l. This can bee seen in the product photos:
ZX-328n and ZX-328l.

Also, the colors used for each ZX device can be found on the Device Parameters page or in the Device Parameters spreadsheet.
- Don Kinzer
Posts: 502
Joined: 09 January 2010, 12:52 PM

Post by FFMan »

thanks don - though honestly the colours of the dots in the photos are too close to call on my monitor at home and at work. Or maybe its just eyes - too much time in front of computers !

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Post by dkinzer »

FFMan wrote:[...] the colours of the dots in the photos are too close to call on my monitor
I often have a similar problem because I have color vision deficiency. There is a link below the picture on the product page that says "Click to enlarge". I find it easier to discern the colors in the larger image. In any event, either the ZX Device Parameters web page or spreadsheet is a good alternate reference.
- Don Kinzer
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