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User access to Watchdog Interrupt?

Posted: 12 March 2012, 9:48 AM
by spamiam
I did not see the Watchdog interrupt listed as an interrupt for which one can install user-defined code? Is it available? I want to be able to use the watchdog to implement a shutdown feature.


Re: User access to Watchdog Interrupt?

Posted: 12 March 2012, 11:39 AM
by dkinzer
spamiam wrote:Is it available?
A watchdog interrupt is available on some AVR devices. It is available on all ZX native mode devices even though it is not shown in the table; the ISR name is WDT.

Posted: 12 March 2012, 16:29 PM
by spamiam
Ah, I figured that the list of supported interrupts was quite complete, and therefore the WDT would probably be supported as well.


Posted: 29 June 2013, 11:49 AM
by sturgessb
Hi, is it possible to use the WDT interrupt as a method of periodically waking up from power down rather than having the watchdog reset the processor?

At the moment I have the watchdog resetting the processor every 8sec and then incrementing a persistent var each reset, then when this var reaches a threshold, perform my desired code.

However I would ideally like to just wake up the 328 periodically and do the same thing rather than resetting.

So a watchdog interrupt, rather than reset.

Do you think this is possible to do without external hardware hooked up to an interrupt? Or am I limited to using the watchdog timer to reset?



Posted: 29 June 2013, 11:55 AM
by sturgessb
just a case of setting Register.WDTCSR ?

Posted: 29 June 2013, 12:28 PM
by sturgessb
this seems to do the trick!

Code: Select all

Register.WDTCSR = Bx0001_1000 'allow prescaler change

Register.WDTCSR = Bx0010_0001 'set prescaler to 1024 = 8s

Register.WDTCSR = Bx0110_0001 'enable watchdog timer interrupt

Posted: 29 June 2013, 14:26 PM
by sturgessb
Although, for some reason its only working for the first sleep. If i initiate another CPUSleep() in the WDT after my actions, the watchdog interrupt does not fire again.

Any ideas, code below...

Code: Select all

Option Com1Speed 9600
Option TxQueueSize 150
Option RxQueueSize 150
Option SignOn Off

Dim comtaskstack(1 to 200) as Byte 

PUBLIC consolelog as byte = 1
PUBLIC watchdog_value as byte = 9
PUBLIC watchdog_seconds as byte = 8
PUBLIC GPS_timeout as single = 50.0
PUBLIC polltime as Byte = 3 'x8seconds
PUBLIC sleepcount as Byte

'Comm setup
PUBLIC com3TXQueue(1 to 150) as Byte
PUBLIC com3RXQueue(1 to 150) as Byte
PUBLIC com4TXQueue(1 to 150) as Byte
PUBLIC com4RXQueue(1 to 150) as Byte

PUBLIC CONST scl_pn as Byte = 28
PUBLIC CONST sda_pn as Byte = 27
PUBLIC CONST com3rx_pn as Byte = 24
PUBLIC CONST com3tx_pn as Byte = 23
PUBLIC CONST gps_enable_pn as Byte = 9
PUBLIC CONST com4rx_pn as Byte = 26
PUBLIC CONST com4tx_pn as Byte = 25

PUBLIC CONST pwr_328p_idle as Byte = &H00
PUBLIC CONST pwr_328p_powerdown as Byte = &H05
PUBLIC CONST pwr_328p_powersave as Byte = &H07
PUBLIC CONST pwr_328p_standby as Byte = &H0D
PUBLIC CONST pwr_328p_externalstandby as Byte = &H0F

PUBLIC CONST pi as single = 3.14159265359
PUBLIC Const CRLF as String = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
PUBLIC Const CR as String = Chr(13)
PUBLIC Const LF as String = Chr(10)
PUBLIC i2c_Result as INTEGER
PUBLIC i2c_Result_bol as BOOLEAN
PUBLIC i2c_OutData(1 to 10) as BYTE
PUBLIC i2c_InData(1 to 10) as BYTE

PUBLIC GSM_byte as Byte
PUBLIC GSM_bytearray(1 to 100) as BYTE
PUBLIC GSM_bytearrayi as BYTE = 0
PUBLIC GSM_response as String
PUBLIC GSM_responsearray(1 to 3) as String

PUBLIC GPS_byte as Byte
PUBLIC GPS_bytearray(1 to 100) as BYTE
PUBLIC GPS_bytearrayi as BYTE = 0
PUBLIC GPS_string as String
PUBLIC GPS_status as String
PUBLIC GPS_utctime as String
PUBLIC GPS_date as String
PUBLIC GPS_lat as Single
PUBLIC GPS_NS as BoundedString(1)
PUBLIC GPS_lng as Single
PUBLIC GPS_EW as BoundedString(1)
PUBLIC GPS_speed as Single
PUBLIC GPS_heading as Single
PUBLIC GPS_fix as Byte

PUBLIC RTC_hours as byte
PUBLIC RTC_minutes as byte
PUBLIC RTC_seconds as byte
PUBLIC RTC_dd as Byte
PUBLIC RTC_mm as Byte
PUBLIC RTC_yy as Byte

ISR INT1() 'ring interrupt
	'debug.print "interrupt"

ISR WDT() 'watchdog timer interrupt
	debug.print "watchdog"
	Call mainpoll()

Sub Main()
	debug.print "STARTUP"

	Register.ADCSRA = Bx0111_1111 'disable ADC
	Register.ACSR = Bx1000_0000 'disable analog caomparator
	Register.EICRA = Bx0000_1000 'falling edge on int0 and int1
	Register.EIMSK = Bx0000_0010 'enable int1
	Register.WDTCSR = Bx0001_1000 'allow prescaler change
	Register.WDTCSR = Bx0010_0001 'set prescaler to 1024 = 8s
	Register.WDTCSR = Bx0110_0001 'enable watchdog timer interrupt
	Register.SMCR = pwr_328p_powerdown
	'Register.SMCR = pwr_328p_powersave
	'Register.SMCR = pwr_328p_standby
	sleepcount = 0
	CallTask comtask, comtaskstack

	Call ComChannels(2, 9600)
	Call init_com3() 'GSM
	Call init_com4() 'GPS
	Call gotosleep()
End Sub

Sub mainpoll() 
	sleepcount = sleepcount + 1
	console("POLL " & cstr(sleepcount) & " " & cstr(sleepcount * watchdog_seconds) & "s")
		if sleepcount > (polltime-1) then
                        'DO STUFF
			sleepcount = 0
			Call sleep(2.0)
		end if
	Call gotosleep()
End Sub

Sub gotosleep() 
	'give enough time for serial output to finish
	Call sleep(0.1)
	'Go to sleep
	Call CPUSleep()
End Sub

Public Sub comtask() 
		debug.print TIMER()
        Call Sleep(0.1) 
End Sub

Posted: 29 June 2013, 14:47 PM
by sturgessb
Solved this by changing my code so that i have a loop running mainpoll() in my main(), and the WDT now does nothing more than wake it up.

I guess this is the only way. Would be interested as to why the other route did not work though.