Arduino project

Discussion of issues related specifically to writing code for native mode devices. This includes ZBasic code as well as assembly language code and C code, both inline and standalone.
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Arduino project

Post by GTBecker »

Do I understand correctly that the only difference between one Arduino-on-ZBasic project and another is the .cpp in the project file?

Code: Select all

Option Arduino "C:/ZBasic_Projects/Arduino"

Sub Main()
'	Debug.Print "Running Arduino code"
	Call arduino_setup()
		Call arduino_loop()
End Sub
... is common code? In App Note 223. that code is named ArduinoBlink.bas, but there is nothing specific to the Blink project in it. Can it not simply be Arduino.bas, used in all such projects?
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Re: Arduino project

Post by dkinzer »

GTBecker wrote:Can it not simply be Arduino.bas, used in all such projects?
Yes, for a pure Arduino application. However, it is possible to add more ZBasic code and calls to it in the Main().
- Don Kinzer
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