Makeboot Path Issue?

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Makeboot Path Issue?

Post by Innovator_99 »

I'm trying to build a ZB bootloader image for an ATmega1284p running at 7.37 MHz. I'm using the current compiler, IDE, libraries, etc. (via the v4.3.14 installer), running on a Win7-64 machine.

Per section 5.4 of the Language Reference, I copied the "Zboot" sub-directory to a location outside the "Program Files(x86)" system directory where the installer had placed it, and modified the makeboot.bat file per the device type and CPU clock frequency.

But when I attempt to run makeboot.bat, the command window displays the "make is not recognized as an internal or external command…" error.

I'm not at all familiar with batch files or path variables, but it seems to me that makeboot.bat is looking for make.exe in "ZBasic\avr-GCC" (per the ZBasic HKLM registry entry for avr-GCCPath), whereas make.exe is actually located in "ZBasic\utils\bin". Is that where it should be, and if so, what else could be causing the problem?

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Re: Makeboot Path Issue?

Post by sparxfly »

Innovator_99 wrote:But when I attempt to run makeboot.bat, the command window displays the "make is not recognized as an internal or external command…" error.
I am experiencing the same issue under Win10 Pro with zboot moved to an unprotected folder.
make.exe is installed by default in ZBasic\utils\bin.
If I copy it to the avrgcc\utils\bin folder makeboot progresses a little further, but throws up other errors.
Have you got a fix for this?

Stuart Parker
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Re: Makeboot Path Issue?

Post by dkinzer »

sparxfly wrote:I am experiencing the same issue under Win10 Pro with zboot moved to an unprotected folder..
OK, I see the problem now - it's not specific to Win10. In the file makeboot.bat about line 177 you'll find the following:

Code: Select all

set path=%avrgcc%\bin;%avrgcc%\utils\bin
The problem is with the second component, change it to:

Code: Select all

set path=%avrgcc%\bin;%avrgcc%\..\utils\bin
This issue was caused by a change made to the installation directory structure a while back (the uitls directory was moved up one level) and I forgot to update makeboot.bat.
- Don Kinzer
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Post by sparxfly »

Thanks Don- sorted!
Stuart Parker
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