ESP8266 fnwait

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ESP8266 fnwait

Post by FFMan »


a short while ago you wrote the code below for me as i wanted short-period wait function that would allow other tasks to run.

Question - what should the divide by value be for an esp8266 ? I

Code: Select all

'100,000 microseconds in a second
Sub fnWait(byVal ulWaitMicroseconds as unsignedlong)

	dim mt0 as Microtime_t
#if Option.TargetDevice="328l"			
	dim ulWaitCycles as unsignedlong = CUlng(CSng(ulWaitMicroSeconds) / 8.68)
	dim ulWaitCycles as unsignedlong = CUlng(CSng(ulWaitMicroSeconds) / 4.34)

	dim ulDelta 	as unsignedlong
	Call GetMicroTime(mt0)
	ulDelta = GetElapsedMicroTime(mt0)
	while ulDelta<ulWaitCycles
		ulDelta = GetElapsedMicroTime&#40;mt0&#41;
end sub
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Re: ESP8266 fnwait

Post by dkinzer »

FFMan wrote:what should the divide by value be for an esp8266 ?
The RTC timer runs at 5MHz so it has a 200ns period. That means that the divisor should be 0.2, I think.
- Don Kinzer
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