HTML Help Typo

Discussion of issues related to writing ZBasic applications for targets other than ZX devices, i.e. generic targets.
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HTML Help Typo

Post by DocJC »

Hi Don,

I am not sure if you just want an eMail about minor issues like a typo, or if you want them in one thread, here, or a new thread per item...

Your compiler, your call how best to give you thoughts and feedback.

Perhaps delete a bunch of these inital threads when you release the Generic Compiler version, if they are for development issues.

On the HTML Help file I found a typo:

Chapter 5 - Compiling for Generic Target Devices
5.1 Overview
Later versions of the ZBasic compiler... generic target devices is given in AppendixB.

The AppendixB, which is a hyperlink, shows up superimposed upon the start of the line of text in this paragraph, not directly following the word "in", or beginning on the next line.

I'm not sure where the Version Number is listed for this version of the HTML Help file, or I'd include in now.

I'm running Win7, IE Version 9

Edit: OK, this overwrite error has shown up a couple of times.
There is more to it than meets the eye.

Question/Comment #2:
While in the HTML Help file I was looking for info on Option DeviceParameter ClockFrequency.

I noticed that the Chapter 2.3.1 The Options Section index lists the items in the order in which they are discussed.

From an end user perspective it might be easier to list the items alphabetically, while obviously linking to their position in the file.

Also, under Option DeviceParameter, one might consider listing all of the DeviceParameter options in the index, (alphabetically), to help one quickly locate what they are looking for, and to provide the key words in the menu to help the user recall the option they were looking for.

As I've said previously, your manual is exceptional.
These are just a few items for your consideration.


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Re: HTML Help Typo

Post by dkinzer »

DocJC wrote:I'm running Win7, IE Version 9
It appears to be a browser-dependent rendering issue. It appears as intended in FireFox v3.6 and IE6. I'll have to install IE9 and see what it does.
DocJC wrote:The Options Section index lists the items in the order in which they are discussed.
I considered ordering them alphabetically. However, some related items are best discussed together; for example RxQueueSize and TxQueueSize. I will, however, reconsider alphabetic organization.
- Don Kinzer
Posts: 112
Joined: 16 March 2006, 6:23 AM
Location: Cleveland, OH

Post by DocJC »

In retrospect, if the Menu is autogenerated based upon the text then presenting the topics in the order you feel is appropriate and flows smoothly for the user is fine.

If you had the ability to manually tweak the Menu, leaving the text ordered as desired, it would be an option.

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