select case fall-through

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select case fall-through

Post by stevech »

there's no "break" statement in ZBasic, but is there any way to fall-through the code in one case clause into the next? I have a habit of doing that in finite state machines.
Other than a goto or repeating code from the successive state, I don't see a way.

As an ole C programmer, I'm putting

Code: Select all

' exit case
at the bottom of case clauses. Makes me nervous leaving it dangling.
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Re: select case fall-through

Post by dkinzer »

stevech wrote:is there any way to fall-through the code in one case clause into the next?
Other than using goto, no. That's just the way that Select/Case is designed in VisualBasic. Interestingly, a commom criticism of C/C++ is that case code falls through unless you explicitly add a break to prevent it.
- Don Kinzer
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