Generic programmer recommendations

Discussion of issues related to writing ZBasic applications for targets other than ZX devices, i.e. generic targets.
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Generic programmer recommendations

Post by dlh »

I'm looking at the Olimex AVR-ISP500. Has anyone used it to install the generic bootloader? ... 53sZUxB1WJ
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Post by DocJC »

I bought a couple Olimex PCBs that were discontinued at Spark Fun a few years ago, they all worked fine.

I've not used the programmer you linked to.

Do you already have the USB cable needed for the device?

The Atmel AVR ISP mkII costs about $10 USD more than the Olimex programmer you linked to. It is very reliable, integrated into AVR Studio, has on-line upgradable software, and the package contains the USB cable. It also supports the Xmegas, which the Olimex programmer does not.

So, if you want the ability to program the Xmegas, or if you are going to purchase a USB cable to go with the Olimex programmer, then you ought to think about the AVR ISP mkII.

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Post by stevech »

I second the motion for the MK II.

But is it still supported in Atmel Studio 5, 6?
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Post by dkinzer »

stevech wrote:But is it still supported in Atmel Studio 5, 6?
I would be very surprised if it were not. In any event, a command line utility (e.g. stk500.exe or avrdude.exe) would generally be used to program the AVR.
- Don Kinzer
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Post by dlh »

My only interest is in installing the generic bootloader for the ATmega2560 and ATmega328P (or Arduino bootloader) and I have numerous USB cables.

The Olimex manual says, "Works with AvrStudio, WinAVR, Avrdude and every other software compatible with STK500v2."

I'll be programming with ZBasic so see no need for an IDE. I'll likely use the Avrdude command line.

I've ordered the Olimex AVR-ISP500. I'll post here if I encounter any major issues.
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Post by DocJC »

I second the motion for the MK II.
But is it still supported in Atmel Studio 5, 6?
I skipped AVR5, too many bad reports on it.

The AVR ISP mkII works fine with AVR Studio 6.

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