A couple of generic related questions

Discussion of issues related to writing ZBasic applications for targets other than ZX devices, i.e. generic targets.
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A couple of generic related questions

Post by dlh »

1. Section 5.1, Paragraph 4 of ZBasic Language Reference Manual says...
If your generic target application includes the RTC, the several ZBasic System Library routines that rely on the presence of the RTC will behave in accordance with the RTC parameters you've specified.
How do I know whether my generic target application includes the RTC?

2. Is there a generic equivalent to ZxCmdMode?
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Re: A couple of generic related questions

Post by dkinzer »

dlh wrote:How do I know whether my generic target application includes the RTC?
Generic target applications do not include the RTC by default. If you want the RTC in your generic target application, you have to request that it be included by specifying the RTC parameters.
dlh wrote:2. Is there a generic equivalent to ZxCmdMode?
That routine (even though perhaps not aptly named) is available for generic target devices but only if you specify that it has a ZBasic-compatible bootloader.
- Don Kinzer
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