Do I need to purchase a license to use ZBasic for esp8266?

Discussion of issues related to writing ZBasic applications for targets other than ZX devices, i.e. generic targets.
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Do I need to purchase a license to use ZBasic for esp8266?

Post by JimG »

If I understood correctly in the license thread, one only needs to purchase a license for doing atmegas, not the esp, correct?
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Post by dilettante »

I'm new here too but so far it seems to work for me without a "generic target license." Perhaps it is considered "native mode" and thus no license needed?
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Post by dkinzer »

dilettante wrote:Perhaps it is considered "native mode" and thus no license needed?
In general, the generic target license is required for target devices that are not purchased from ZBasic/Elba. The ESP8266 is an exception to that policy.

On the other hand, a generic target device such as the Atmel ATmega168 does require a generic target license (and it is a native mode target). The descriptor "native mode" is used for targets for which native code is generated by the ZBasic compiler. The original ZX devices such as the ZX-24p host an interpreter and they execute a type of "p-code" rather than native code.
- Don Kinzer
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