ZX-24x InputCaptureEx on D.0

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ZX-24x InputCaptureEx on D.0

Post by GTBecker »

Code: Select all

option TargetDevice ZX24x
dim Data(0) as unsignedinteger
Sub Main()
	call InputCaptureEx(D.0, Data(0), 1, 1)
End Sub
Test.bas:4: Warning(3): parameter 1 of InputCaptureEx, pin D.0 is not valid for input capture on the "ZX24x"

D.0 isn't valid on a -24x?
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Re: ZX-24x InputCaptureEx on D.0

Post by dkinzer »

GTBecker wrote:D.0 isn't valid on a -24x?
It is. However, there is a problem in the compiler code that validates the input capture pin for the ZX-24x. In spite of the warning, the generated code will still function correctly.

We have corrected the problem for a future release. Until then, you can just ignore the warning or suppress it thus:

Code: Select all

#pragma warning(push; 3:Off)
   call InputCaptureEx(D.0, Data(0), 1, 1)
#pragma warning(pop)
- Don Kinzer
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