New Oak Micros Devices

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Joined: 24 September 2005, 15:54 PM

New Oak Micros Devices

Post by mikep »

I am pleased to announce that today Oak Micros is making available 4 new ZBasic devices which may be purchased from the Oak Micros store:
  • The ZX-24pe is the 40-pin version of the ZX-24p and is pin compatible. The ZX-24pe includes all the standard features of Oak Micros devices including a true voltage level RS232 transceiver, a slide switch to choose between RS232 and logic voltage levels for serial channel 1, a power monitor LED, and an optional 8-pin socket that allows user flexibility to choose the technology, packaging, and size of ZBasic program memory (32K or 64K EEPROM).
  • The ZX-24ne is the native mode version of the ZX-24pe and is the 40-pin version of the ZX-24n.
  • The ZX-128ne is the native mode version of the ZX-128e.
  • The ZX-1281ne is the native mode version of the ZX-1281e.
The new devices are documented in the Oak Micros technical reference manuals. To use these devices, you need to use the latest ZBasic installer v2.2.4.

Also at this time the ZX-24e and ZX-24ae are no longer being manufactured although they will continue to be supported through the Oak Micros and ZBasic forums. Remaining stock of these devices is available at discounted prices.
Mike Perks
Posts: 796
Joined: 24 September 2005, 15:54 PM

Re: New Oak Micros Devices

Post by mikep »

mikep wrote:I am pleased to announce that today Oak Micros is making available 4 new ZBasic devices which may be purchased from the Oak Micros store.
Here is the formal announcement letter.
Mike Perks
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