After switching over to the 1280n dev board, I'm using ISRs to measure the pulses of a 250Hz pulse train.
With an input pulse train [1/2ms state 0, several ms of state 1] this code usually correctly output a pulse of about 75us onto debugPin, correspondingto roughly 900 TMR5 counts.
But it also outputs incorrect 100-ish us pulse as well, arising from various random other incorrect counts.
LoopTogglePin's state is set at each call of the ISR, and correctly follows the inputs.
A logic analyzer trace is in the attachment. It's possible to see 'output' (LoopTogglePin) always matching the top-most 'thigh' pulses, and the 'debug' (debugPin) output suddenly having a longer (90us) output pulse, as opposed to the two correct neighboring, short 75us pulses (near the edges of the screen).
Any thoughts on why this does not work reliably?
Code: Select all
public const thighEncoderL as byte = D.0 'int0
public const loopTogglePin as byte = J.0
public const debugPin as byte = J.1
public thighEncoderLPulse as unsignedinteger
public thighAngleL as single
public timerStart as unsignedinteger
public timerEnd as unsignedinteger
dim newchange as boolean
sub main()
putpin thighEncoderL , zxInputTristate
putpin loopTogglePin, zxOutputLow
putpin debugPin, zxOutputLow
'set up TMR5 (encoders)
register.TCCR5A = bx0000_0000 'all 0s set the TMR to normal counter mode
register.TCCR5B = bx0000_0010 '_0xxx = prescaler, DON'T FORGET TO CHANGE TICK_P_S BELOW. 010 = /8, 011 = /64, 100 = /256, 101 = /1024
register.TIFR5 = bx0010_1111 'set bit0 to 1 to clear it.
'~~~~~~~~ INTERRUPTS ~~~~~~~~~
Register.EICRA = Bx0101_0101 '0101_0101 = any edge of INT0,1,2,3
Register.EICRB = Bx0101_0101 'any edge of INT4,5,6,7
Register.EIMSK = Bx0000_0001 'external interrupts 7..0 (corresponding bits of EIMSK)
allowChange = true
do until newchange = true
sleep 0.0
newchange = false
putpin debugPin, 1
sleep csng(thighEncoderLPulse) / 1000000.0 'debug the measured TMR5 counts
putpin debugPin, 0
end sub
'ISR for thighL joint encoder
if ( getpin(thighEncoderL) = 0 ) then
timerStart = register.TCNT5
putpin loopTogglePin, zxOutputHigh
timerEnd = register.TCNT5
putpin loopTogglePin, zxOutputLow
thighEncoderLPulse = timerEnd - timerStart
newchange = true
end if