Disabled optimization leads to restarting

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Joined: 01 December 2005, 18:45 PM

Disabled optimization leads to restarting

Post by pjc30943 »

When adding --optimize=no-optimize to a .pjt file for one of my applications on a 1280n, the system just keeps restarting:

Code: Select all

ZBasic v2.6
ZBasic v2.6
ZBasic v2.6
ZBasic v2.6
ZBasic v2.6
When optimization is enabled, the startup sequence is correct and no longer gets stuck.
I've doubled stack sizes of the two tasks running, but there is no change. Anyone experience a similar occurance?

With other code, no-optimization leads to garbled output:

Code: Select all

ZBasic v2.6
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whereas normal, optimized compilation leads to correct outputs.

From the documentation on compiler options, I do not see why these would arise from turning off all optimization, unless '-constant-folding' is required to init stacks with constant sizes, etc.
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