I'm in the middle of debugging a data stream, using many 'debug.print cstrhex(byte)' type statements. Then I have to do hex arithmetic in my head to figure out which bits are on and which bits are off.
As I'm looking at bit values, I have been trying to find s statement like 'debug.print cstrbit(byte)', where the resulting output would be a series of 0's and 1's, but I'm not seeing anything obvious.
Are there any suggestions please?
Thanks, John Burrow
San Diego
Having fun, out of the sun
Displaying A Byte As A Bit String
Re: Displaying A Byte As A Bit String
That is a good skill to have, by the way. Practice, practice, practice.jburrow wrote:Then I have to do hex arithmetic in my head to figure out which bits are on and which bits are off.
There isn't any such function in the ZBasic System Library. Such a function is easy to create, however. The code below will work for a Byte value.jburrow wrote:I have been trying to find s statement like 'debug.print cstrbit(byte)'
Code: Select all
'' CStrBits
' Convert a byte to a string of eight characters giving the binary
' representation of the value.
Function CStrBits(ByVal val as Byte) as String
Dim data(1 to 8) as Byte
Dim i as Integer
Dim mask as Byte
mask = &H80
For i = 1 to 8
data(i) = IIF(CBool(val And Mask), Asc("0"), Asc("1"))
mask = Shr(mask, 1)
Next i
CStrBits = MakeString(data.DataAddress, 8)
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim s as String
s = CStrBits(&H5a)
Debug.Print s
End Sub
- Don Kinzer