BCD routines

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BCD routines

Post by FFMan »

i need to compress some GPS data to go over a slow link, am thinking binary coded decimals i used years ago might fit, or does anyone know of anything better i could use.

Regards binary coded decimals, i could code this quite happily in a number of ways in zbasic, but wondered if there were any tips or tricks besides the usual bit shifting/masking that i could make use of.

essentially i need to transmit UTC time (or a delta) and a pair of gps coordinates. I need to be aware that use of binary characters such as stx/etx can't reliably be used as delimiters, and check the link doesn't interpret xon/xoff rather than passing them etc. a number of small challenges but i should be able to halve at least the link burden i guess ?

anyone got any suggestions ?

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