this module is great at receiving fast incoming serial streams and logging them to a micro sd card. however its read functions are limited to issuing a 'read <filename>' which then streams the entire file at the baud rate until eof.
so writing at 38400 is great but reading a file back results in what appears to be dropped characters. i am reading records terminated with LF then doing some minor processing befofe reading the next record.
the incoming buffer is 200 chrs, but increase to 300 does not improve things, i think characters are being lost regardless of buffer size.
what the fastest one can realistically expect to read. the gps module runs at 115200 and doesn't drop chrs, but the stream is not so continuous.
this is the snippet of code doing the read
Code: Select all
do until getqueuecount(Inqueue)=0
Call GetQueue(Inqueue,SDIn(inPtnr),1)
'debugprint (chr(SDIn(inPtnr)) & "<" & cstr(sdin(inptnr)) & ">")
if SDIn(inPtnr)=10 then
debugprint ("term LF")
goto ExitPoint
end if
any help much appreciated.