Internal error: variable.cpp

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Internal error: variable.cpp

Post by pjc30943 »

An odd occurrence which might be of interest:
In a section of code in another module, I declared a constant with a *variable* in its argument, which was only set a few lines later.
Somehow, the code compiled when a few types of specific commands (such as sleep 0.0) were in Main(). This shouldn't have compiled in the first place.
Removing these seemingly unrelated commands caused the following error:

Internal error: variable.cpp(9833), Rev 1203: missing constant value, "...

So, somehow the compiler got it right in a few cases, and in the other instances those constants were presumably set to some unknown (or random) value.
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Re: Internal error: variable.cpp

Post by dkinzer »

pjc30943 wrote:This shouldn't have compiled in the first place.
Assuming that I understood your description (a small test case that demonstrates the issue is the best way to unequivocally describe a problem), you are correct. We were able to replicate the problem and have resolved it.

- Don Kinzer
Posts: 220
Joined: 01 December 2005, 18:45 PM

Post by pjc30943 »

[I didn't give a test case: several things were altered to correct the error, and I was unable to backtrack successfully to reproduce it later in the day when posting.]
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