#define with parameters

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#define with parameters

Post by ndudman »

Is there another way in Zbasic to do the following ? I.e compiler directive to change a function name to something more more_readable. I might have the syntax wrong also ?

Code: Select all

#define more_readblei(sfr, bit) (ibs(sfr, bit))

function ibs(byval a as byte, byval b as byte) as byte
	ibs = a + b
end function

Sub Main()
	Debug.print more_readble(2,4)
End Sub
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Re: #define with parameters

Post by dkinzer »

ndudman wrote:Is there another way in Zbasic to do the following ?
The short answer is that ZBasic doesn't have a text substitution macro facility like the C preprocessor does.

For the particular example you cited, it would seem that the code below would achieve the same result.

Code: Select all

Function more_readable(ByVal a as Byte, ByVal b as Byte) as Byte
   more_readable = a + b
End Function 
- Don Kinzer
Posts: 79
Joined: 25 December 2008, 14:00 PM

Post by ndudman »

Thanks, thats what I thought... and what I did, just wanted to check :)

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