Discussion about the ZBasic language including the System Library. If you're not sure where to post your message, do it here. However, do not make test posts here; that's the purpose of the Sandbox.
Perhaps Iḿ misunderstanding how to use based subroutines, however I have the following code, but am trying to set the runSubOnYesAddr with the address of the sub i want to be called when I call runSubOnYes()... what I am doing wrong, or misunderstanding ?
Declare Sub runSubOnYes () Based runSubOnYesAddr
private runSubOnYesAddr as UnsignedInteger
sub UploadData() Attribute(Used)
'~ register the subroutine to handle y key press
runSubOnYesAddr = UploadDataDOIT.DataAddress
'~ displayMsgConfirmYN("upload")
end sub
private sub UploadDataDOIT()
end sub
sub keyYPressed()
call runSubOnYes()
end sub
Sub Main()
End Sub