Com1 even parity and Tx 115 k,problem
Posted: 15 May 2009, 14:25 PM
1)I have problem to tx Z24p, using Com1 to Hyperterminal PC, in the following format with eight bits of data, even bit parity and 2 stop bits 8-E-2
when you put even parity error and is not tx to PC, if I do not use even parity works ok , you can help me.Thank you
' initialize the queue
Call OpenQueue(oq)
' define the characteristics of the serial channel 1,8bit data,even parity par,2 bit stop &H38
Call DefineCom(1, 0, 0, &H38,2)
' open the serial channel
Call OpenCom(1, 19200, 0, oq)
2)another query, I must Tx to 115k, when using 115 k, also fails.
when you put even parity error and is not tx to PC, if I do not use even parity works ok , you can help me.Thank you
' initialize the queue
Call OpenQueue(oq)
' define the characteristics of the serial channel 1,8bit data,even parity par,2 bit stop &H38
Call DefineCom(1, 0, 0, &H38,2)
' open the serial channel
Call OpenCom(1, 19200, 0, oq)
2)another query, I must Tx to 115k, when using 115 k, also fails.