I want to use interrupt with zx24 and the manual says 'Port A Bit 2 must be an input for this to work properly' . It's kind og elemantory but I can't figure out how,I've tried Call Putpin(pin18, zxInputPullUp) but I'm unsure if it works, Any help would be appreciated
Regards Hucke
Interrupt in zx24 question
Re: Interrupt in zx24 question
That will definitely make A.2 an input but it will also enable the internal pullup resistor. Depending on the external circuitry, that may OK or not. To make A.2 an input without the pullup, use:hakha4 wrote:It's kind og elemantory but I can't figure out how [to make a pin an input]. I've tried Call Putpin(pin18, zxInputPullUp)[...]
Code: Select all
Call Putpin(A.2, zxInputTriState)
As a side note, all general purpose I/O pins are set to be inputs (with no pullup resistor) at startup. It doesn't hurt, however, to explicitly configure the I/O pins as you want them using PutPin().
- Don Kinzer