Yes. I encountered an error (line >1023 bytes) and split it up into two Dims - which seemed to not be placed in contiguous code space on a ZX-24.
The trailing comments on the first two lines here evoke the too-long line error, although it seems that the character count shouldn't be that high. Does the indent spacing count?
Code: Select all
dim OSDCharTable as bytevectordata ({&h42,&h42,&h42,&h42,&h42,&h42,&h42,&h42, _ ' ........
&h42,&h42,&h42,&h42,&hec,&hed,&hee,&hef, _ ' ........
&hf0,&hf1,&hf2,&hf3,&hf4,&hf5,&hf6,&hf7, _
&hf8,&hf9,&hfa,&hfb,&hfc,&hfd,&hfe,&hff, _
&h00,&h42,&h48,&h42,&h42,&h42,&h42,&h46, _ ' space - '
&h3f,&h40,&h42,&h42,&h45,&h49,&h41,&h47, _ ' ( - /
&h0A,&h01,&h02,&h03,&h04,&h05,&h06,&h07, _ ' 0 - 7
&h08,&h09,&h44,&h43,&h4a,&h42,&h4b,&h42, _ ' 8 - ?
&h4c,&h0b,&h0c,&h0d,&h0e,&h0f,&h10,&h11, _ ' @ - G
&h12,&h13,&h14,&h15,&h16,&h17,&h18,&h19, _ ' H - O
&h1a,&h1b,&h1c,&h1d,&h1e,&h1f,&h20,&h21, _ ' P - W
&h22,&h23,&h24,&h42,&h42,&h42,&h42,&h42, _ ' X - _
&h42,&h25,&h26,&h27,&h28,&h29,&h2a,&h2b, _ ' ` - g
&h2c,&h2d,&h2e,&h2f,&h30,&h31,&h32,&h33, _ ' h - o
&h34,&h35,&h36,&h37,&h38,&h39,&h3a,&h3b, _ ' p - w
&h3c,&h3d,&h3e,&h42,&h42,&h42,&h42,&h42}) ' x - ~