Upending a Network value
Posted: 27 January 2010, 11:14 AM
I need to convert a big-endian network value to little-endian Unsigned Long. Does anyone have code for this?[/i]
A place to discuss ZBasic and ZX series microcontrollers.
The code below can be used for swapping the byte order when changing from network order to host order and vice versa.dlh wrote:Does anyone have code for this?
Code: Select all
'' revByteOrder
' This function reverses the order of the bytes of a 32-bit value.
Function revByteOrder(ByVal val as UnsignedLong) as UnsignedLong
' define some based arrays for accessing the constituent bytes
Dim valBytesIn() as Byte Based val.DataAddress
Dim valBytesOut() as Byte Based revByteOrder.DataAddress
' reverse the byte order
revByteOrder = CULng(valBytesIn(4))
valBytesOut(2) = valBytesIn(3)
valBytesOut(3) = valBytesIn(2)
valBytesOut(4) = valBytesIn(1)
End Function
Code: Select all
#pragma warning(push; 2:Off) ' turn off warning: return value not set
Function revByteOrder(ByVal val as UnsignedLong) as UnsignedLong
' define some based arrays for accessing the constituent bytes
Dim valBytesIn() as Byte Based val.DataAddress
Dim valBytesOut() as Byte Based revByteOrder.DataAddress
' reverse the byte order
valBytesOut(1) = valBytesIn(4)
valBytesOut(2) = valBytesIn(3)
valBytesOut(3) = valBytesIn(2)
valBytesOut(4) = valBytesIn(1)
End Function
#pragma warning(pop)