Force an interval expiration

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Force an interval expiration

Post by Tim »

I am using the the command "SetInterval(1)" to force an interval expiration on a task using WaitForInterval. However, this causes a delay of up to 1 RTC tick before the task resumes. Is there a way I can force an immediate interval expiration?
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Re: Force an interval expiration

Post by dkinzer »

Tim wrote:Is there a way I can force an immediate interval expiration?
I suspect that ResumeTask() will serve your purpose. You'll have to pass the task stack of the task that is awaiting the interval expiration (unless it is the Main() task).
- Don Kinzer
Posts: 6
Joined: 27 February 2010, 11:50 AM

Post by Tim »

Aha! Thats what I wanted. Not sure how I missed that function. I'm still new to working with tasks.

Thank you much.
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