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errors occurred in the back-end build process
Posted: 18 May 2010, 19:24 PM
by Paul Lamar
Hi Don,
One of my readers bought your board and he got this error.
What could that be?
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ZBasic\zbasic.exe" --target-device=ZX1280n
--directory="C:\Users\Mark\ZBasic/" "compression-test1.bas"
Error: one or more errors occurred in the back-end build process for
Exit code: 1
It works on my board and this is what it does.
see attachment.
Paul Lamar
Re: errors occurred in the back-end build process
Posted: 18 May 2010, 19:45 PM
by dkinzer
Paul Lamar wrote:What could that be?
The back-end build process is the final stage of converting the ZBasic code to AVR executable code. Normally, this phase will complete without error but there are a number of things that can go awry. To determine what's going on we need more information.
One way to get this information is to add the --verbose option to the project file. You do this by selecting the "Open Project File" entry from the Options menu of the IDE. Your project file will appear in one of the tabbed windows. Add the following line near the the top of the project file:
. Now, when you press F7 to compile the project you'll get a stream of command lines and other information appearing in the Output window of the IDE. If an error does occur in the back-end build process, it will be visible in that message stream. The entire block of text can be selected using the mouse and copied to the clipboard using ctrl-C. Then, you can paste it in the edit box (surrounded by "code" tags) in a forum post.
It could be that your reader is using an older version of the compiler that might have a bug in it that your newer version doesn't have. You can determine the version of the compiler being used by selecting "About ZBasic IDE" from the Help menu. The compiler version is shown on the line below the IDE version number.
Posted: 20 May 2010, 10:27 AM
by Paul Lamar
OK Don
This is what he got.
Paul Lamar
Posted: 20 May 2010, 10:34 AM
by dkinzer
Paul Lamar wrote:This is what he got.
Running on Windows 7 perhaps? If so, 32-bit or 64-bit?
Posted: 20 May 2010, 11:41 AM
by Paul Lamar
Yes he is running windows 7 64 bit.
If that does not work for him I can work around it.
Is there a stand alone communication program that will
receive data from the AVR debug.print or console.write?
Paul Lamar
errors occurred in the back-end build process
Posted: 20 May 2010, 11:43 AM
by twesthoff
HyperTerminal works...
On 5/20/2010 2:41 PM, ZBasic wrote:
Yes he is running windows 7 64 bit.
If that does not work for him I can work around it.
Is there a stand alone communication program that will
receive data from the AVR debug.print or console.write?
Paul Lamar
Posted: 20 May 2010, 12:03 PM
by dkinzer
Paul Lamar wrote:Yes he is running windows 7 64 bit.
The version of the back-end compiler that ZBasic currently uses is not compatible with 64-bit Windows. Our tests indicate that it does run on Windows 7 32-bit.
Paul Lamar wrote:Is there a stand alone communication program that will
receive data from the AVR debug.print or console.write?
Many. I've used TeraTerm and Bray's Terminal. A search using "terminal emulator" and similar terms should turn up several options, most of which should be no-cost.
Posted: 20 May 2010, 12:51 PM
by Paul Lamar
Does ZBasic run on Linux Don?
Paul Lamar
Posted: 20 May 2010, 13:17 PM
by dkinzer
Paul Lamar wrote:Does ZBasic run on Linux?
Not natively. Some have used it on Linux by running it under Wine.
Posted: 20 May 2010, 13:34 PM
by Paul Lamar
Too bad