128A1 break out

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128A1 break out

Post by FFMan »

I think i recall this being asked before but i forget the answer.

If I purchase the sparkfun break-out board http://www.sparkfun.com/products/9546 can I load it with the zbasic boot loader or is this something you guys could do for me.

I'd like to use this processor but lacking surface mount skills this looks like a reasonable way forward. the dev board is just too big for final projects.

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Re: 128A1 break out

Post by dkinzer »

FFMan wrote:can I load it with the zbasic boot loader or is this something you guys could do for me.
The ZBasic bootloader is not publicly available but we can program it into customer-provided devices in most cases as a special order. I'll send further information by private email.
- Don Kinzer
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