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More On Serial Comms

Posted: 14 March 2011, 11:59 AM
by jburrow
I need some help with serial comms on my ZX1280 dev board please.

This works just fine. I have verified the incoming data is correct.
call DefineCom(2, 0, 0, &H08)
call OpenQueue(LNIn, SizeOf(LNIn))
call OpenQueue(LNOut, SizeOf(LNOut))
Call OpenCom(2, 16457, LNIn, LNOut)

This does not work. The incoming data makes no sense - missing bytes and bad
I'm assuming I can use Port E for serial communication.
call DefineCom(3, e.6, e.7, &H08)
call OpenQueue(LNIn, SizeOf(LNIn))
call OpenQueue(LNOut, SizeOf(LNOut))
Call OpenCom(3, 16457, LNIn, LNOut)

I'm sure I'm missing the something, but I don't know what I don't know....

Thanks, John Burrow
San Diego

Re: More On Serial Comms

Posted: 14 March 2011, 12:59 PM
by dkinzer
jburrow wrote:Call OpenCom(3, 16457, LNIn, LNOut)
The specified baud rate is not supported on the software UART channels (3-6). The supported rates are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19,200 baud.

I see that the documentation needs to be more clear on this point.

Posted: 14 March 2011, 13:16 PM
by jburrow
Thank you Don. I appreciate your speedy responses.

John Burrow