Not really how to title this one other than I have a string which seems to get confused over time. Im sure there is a simple explanation for this, but can't figure it out.
So I have the following code to read a GPS NMEA stream coming in.
Code: Select all
Call GetQueue(com3RXQueue, GPS_byte, 1)
If GPS_byte = Asc("$") Then
GPS_bytearrayi = 0
End if
GPS_bytearrayi = GPS_bytearrayi + 1
GPS_bytearray(GPS_bytearrayi) = GPS_byte
If GPS_byte = Asc(CRLF) Then
GPS_string = MakeString(MemAddress(GPS_bytearray), GPS_bytearrayi)
exit do
End if
The data appears to be coming in ok and If I replace the GPS_string = MakeString line with a simple console.write(GPS_byte), then I get good clean reliable data coming out of the console log.
However, when I try to store the complete string in the GPS_string variable it starts off ok but after a few seconds starts loosing data, until i just get the occasional console output every few seconds. Very odd.
Here is example log from the console, as you will see it starts off fine and then after a few seconds (data is coming in at 1hz), it just starts to loose it.
Code: Select all