Strange string degradation

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Strange string degradation

Post by sturgessb »

Evening all

Not really how to title this one other than I have a string which seems to get confused over time. Im sure there is a simple explanation for this, but can't figure it out.

So I have the following code to read a GPS NMEA stream coming in.

Code: Select all

				Call GetQueue(com3RXQueue, GPS_byte, 1)
				If GPS_byte = Asc("$") Then
					GPS_bytearrayi = 0
				End if
				GPS_bytearrayi = GPS_bytearrayi + 1
				GPS_bytearray(GPS_bytearrayi) = GPS_byte
				If GPS_byte = Asc(CRLF) Then
					GPS_string = MakeString(MemAddress(GPS_bytearray), GPS_bytearrayi)
					exit do
				End if

The data appears to be coming in ok and If I replace the GPS_string = MakeString line with a simple console.write(GPS_byte), then I get good clean reliable data coming out of the console log.

However, when I try to store the complete string in the GPS_string variable it starts off ok but after a few seconds starts loosing data, until i just get the occasional console output every few seconds. Very odd.

Here is example log from the console, as you will see it starts off fine and then after a few seconds (data is coming in at 1hz), it just starts to loose it.

Code: Select all




































































































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Post by sturgessb »

interestingly, if i just do this....

Code: Select all

console(MakeString(MemAddress(GPS_bytearray), GPS_bytearrayi))
rather than saving inside the GPS_string variable, it outputs fine without any degradation.

but if i do this it fails after a few seconds...

Code: Select all

GPS_string = MakeString(MemAddress(GPS_bytearray), GPS_bytearrayi)
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Post by dkinzer »

What version of the ZBasic Compiler are you using? This is a native mode target, correct?
- Don Kinzer
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Post by sturgessb »

Hi Don

Using v1.6.2 IDE with 4.0.3 compiler. target is zx328nu


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Post by sturgessb »

have tried the latest compiler and same issue present.
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Post by dkinzer »

Here is a self-contained test case that is similar to the code that you provided. It uses a separate task to populate a queue with artificial GPS data and then the main task processes the data. Compiled with v4.1.7 for the ZX-24n it seems to work flawlessly. Could you try this on the ZX-328nu and if it works OK try to modify it so that it fails?

Code: Select all

Dim q(1 to 100) as Byte
Dim taskStack(1 to 100) as Byte

Sub Main()
    Dim cnt as Byte
    Dim data(1 to 80) as Byte

    ' prepare the queue, start the data task
    Call OpenQueue(q)
    CallTask dataTask, taskStack
    ' pull GPS data from the queue and display it
    cnt = 0
        Do While StatusQueue(q)
            Dim b as Byte
            Call GetQueue(q, b, 1)
            If (b = &H0d) Then
                ' a full line has been received
                Dim s as String
                s = MakeString(MemAddress(data), cnt)
                cnt = 0
                If (b = Asc("$")) Then
                    ' reset the counter on receipt of the lead-in character
                    cnt = 0
                End If
                ' store the data
                If &#40;cnt < SizeOf&#40;data&#41;&#41; Then
                    cnt = cnt + 1
                    data&#40;cnt&#41; = b
                End If
            End If
        Call Sleep&#40;1.0&#41;
End Sub

Sub console&#40;ByRef s as String&#41;
End Sub

'' dataTask
' This task puts artificial GPS data in the queue for processing.
Sub dataTask&#40;&#41;
        If Not StatusQueue&#40;q&#41; Then
            Call PutQueueStr&#40;q, "$GPGGA,232447.262,5237.2472,N,00116.7721,E,1,5,2.15,20.7,M,47.0,M,,*6E " & Chr&#40;&H0d&#41;&#41;
        End If
        Call Sleep&#40;1.0&#41;
End Sub
- Don Kinzer
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Post by dkinzer »

For the benefit of someone who might read this thread later, the source of the problem turned out to be "programmer error". A string (that could have been several characters long) was being assigned to a BoundedString variable that was defined as having a 1-byte capacity. With BoundedString variables, the coder must ensure that a string being assigned does not exceed the defined capacity of the bounded string. If this is not done, the characters beyond the capacity overwrite whatever follows the variable in memory.
- Don Kinzer
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Post by sturgessb »

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