The trick is to use the new library functions recently introduced named DelayMicroseconds() and DelayMilliseconds(). This works because a LockTask is used so any busy loops would occur in any case. The functions PinHigh() and PinLow() can also be used to improve performance a little when outside the timing delay. The attached code shows the before and after for each code snippet. The actual changes are left as an exercise to the reader (!).
Code: Select all
Private Const ePulseWidth as Single = 5.0e-5
Private Const ePulseWidth as Integer = 50 '50 microseconds
Code: Select all
Call PulseOut(pinE, ePulseWidth, 1)
Call PinHigh(pinE)
Call DelayMicroseconds(ePulseWidth)
Call PinLow(pinE)
Code: Select all
Call PulseOut(0, 5.0e-3, 0)
Call DelayMilliseconds(5)
Code: Select all
Call PulseOut(0, 0.2e-3, 0) ' 200uS delay
Call DelayMicroseconds(200) ' 200us delay