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Sleeping tasks without Sleep()

Posted: 20 January 2008, 16:47 PM
by Don_Kirby
I came across a situation today in which I am unsure how to implement.

Consider the basic flashing LED routine:

Code: Select all

Sub Main()
	Const FlashTime as Single = 1.0
	Const RedLED as Byte = C.1
		Call PutPin(RedLED, zxOutputLow)
		Call Sleep(FlashTime)
		Call PutPin(RedLED, zxOutputHigh)
		Call Sleep(FlashTime)
End Sub
If we add a concurrent task to monitor some user input...

Code: Select all

Public ButtonActive as Boolean

Sub ButtonTask()
	Const ButtonPin as Byte = C.2
		If NOT(CBool(GetPin(ButtonPin))) Then 'inverted logic
			ButtonActive = True
			Call Sleep(0.1) 'Sleep to debounce
		End If
End Sub can I get Sub Main to interrupt the sleep call to do something else if the user presses the button (i.e. to blink a different LED) if the task is suspended via the call to Sleep?

Perhaps like this?

Code: Select all

Sub Main()
	Const FlashTime as Single = 1.0 * 512.0
	Const RedLED as Byte = C.1
	Dim SavedTime as Single
		Call PutPin(RedLED, zxOutputLow) 'Turn on the LED
		SavedTime = Timer() 'Store the current Time
		Do while NOT&#40;ButtonActive&#41; OR &#40;&#40;Timer&#40;&#41; + FlashTime&#41; < SavedTime&#41;
			Call Sleep&#40;0&#41; 'Do Nothing
		Call PutPin&#40;RedLED, zxOutputHigh&#41; 'Turn off the LED
		SavedTime = Timer&#40;&#41; 'and store the current time again
		Do while NOT&#40;ButtonActive&#41; OR &#40;&#40;Timer&#40;&#41; + FlashTime&#41; < SavedTime&#41;
			Call Sleep&#40;0&#41; 'ZZzzz
End Sub
Then there is just the issue of the RTC rolling over to deal with. Is this the correct method to implement this, or is there another?


Re: Sleeping tasks without Sleep()

Posted: 20 January 2008, 17:14 PM
by dkinzer
Don_Kirby wrote:[H]ow can I get Sub Main to interrupt the sleep call to do something else if the user presses the button (i.e. to blink a different LED) if the task is suspended via the call to Sleep?
You can wake up a task that is sleeping (or waiting for an event, etc.) by using ResumeTask(). Depending on the delays that you're using in Main() that may lead to a noticeable interruption of the rhythm.

Depending you what else you have going on, it might be a better design to move the blinking down to another task and have Main() be a coordinator that takes input from some tasks and provides data used by other tasks to do their jobs.

Re: Sleeping tasks without Sleep()

Posted: 20 January 2008, 17:33 PM
by Don_Kirby
dkinzer wrote:[...]it might be a better design to move the blinking down to another task and have Main() be a coordinator that takes input from some tasks and provides data used by other tasks to do their jobs.
That is in fact what I am doing, I was just trying to boil it down to the smallest possible application for the sake of explaining the issue.

I currently have it implemented using a method similar to my previous post, which works correctly.

The next step would be to have a delay routine that can take an expression as a parameter, as well as the delay time whereas the routine would delay until either the time expired, or the expression evaluated false.
