mikep wrote:1. Are you only going to allow baud rates with familiar numbers such as 19200 or will you also allow valid but unusual baud rates such as 46080?
Yes, standard baud rates from 100 to 115200
mikep wrote:2. You can set the baudrate on the PC to any value you like, but how does the micro know what value to use?
The user specifies the baud rate to use in the devices' setup routine. There will be a default value for the purpose of connecting the first time.
mikep wrote:3. The standard formula (which is what I think you are looking for) is as follows:
Code: Select all
If (14745600\16 mod CLng(baudrate)) <> 0 Then
baudrate = 19200
End If
This works, but doesn't rule out non-standard baud rates, such as 3600. While that wouldn't be a problem with the uC, it may be a problem with the PC side client, which may or may not be able to operate at those speeds. I need to avoid the user locking him/herself out of the device by selecting a baud rate that is not available on the majority of PC applications (read: Hyperterminal).
mikep wrote:[...]In this case a drop down list of single-selectable values. The user by definition can only select a valid value and there one less thing to worry about.
I agree completely, but the menu driven interface does not lend itself to the use of comboboxes or other similar selection methods. I could get the same functionality via the menu system, but it would require 2 more screens of choices (10 items per screen) which I am trying to avoid.