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Internal Compiler Error

Posted: 11 April 2008, 22:18 PM
by mikep
The following (illegal) code:

Code: Select all

Private Const TEST_CHAR as Byte = CByte("u")
Sub Main()
	Debug.Print CStr(TEST_CHAR)
End Sub
produces the following internal compiler error:

Code: Select all

Internal error: variable.cpp(9663), Rev 1127: missing constant value, "Test.bas" line 1

Re: Internal Compiler Error

Posted: 12 April 2008, 8:02 AM
by dkinzer
mikep wrote:The following (illegal) code:
Well, it's not really illegal, although perhaps nonsensical. The function should return zero if the supplied string doesn't contain suitable characters.

Thanks for pointing this out. We've found the cause of the problem and identified a solution that appears to produce a suitable result.