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1-Wire Search Algorithm

Posted: 10 September 2020, 10:27 AM
by TimC
Looked around and could not find anything that did a basic inventory of 1-Wire devices. So here is one that I got going for ZBasic with help from a number of sources.

Spits out to the console: Family Code, 48Bit ID, CRC

10 79:89:D2:01:08:00:16
28 D2:1C:23:00:00:00:11
0C 9A:E8:07:00:00:00:19
12 A8:74:18:00:00:00:2A
12 C5:74:18:00:00:00:A3
12 F5:75:18:00:00:00:83
12 0B:76:18:00:00:00:AC
21 FA:BF:33:00:00:00:8F

Maxim's App note #187 1-Wire Search Algorithm is a beast!
