ZX Downloader for VB6

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ZX Downloader for VB6

Post by twesthoff »

This uses the .dll that Don supplied and VB6 to download files to the ZX processors. Includes the VB6 source code. (Thanks Don for helping me make it work.)
VB6 program that uses the .dll to download files to the ZX processors.
(Source code)
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Post by dkinzer »

I believe that this code is largely the same as that included in the latest version of the installer. It ends up in a subdirectory of the installation direcotry src\zload\ZLoadSampleVB. One of the files was renamed: ZXGlobal.bas became ZLoad.bas.
- Don Kinzer
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ZX Downloader for VB6

Post by twesthoff »

believe that this code is largely the same as that included in the latest version of the installer.
Well, if it is not useful anymore feel free to remove it. I only wrote it in case others needed it. I didn't know there was one in the installer already. No sense complicating the issue having two similar things.
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Post by dkinzer »

If I recall correctly, the changes that I made were cosmetic only. I think it's useful to keep this thread because it serves to call attention to the existence of the sample code for VB6.
- Don Kinzer
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