I Bought a zx microcontroller few months before. Until today there is no support for 64bit windows . Also there is no support for Linux or Mac. Will be ever compiler ported for other OS ? Is it going to be compatible with 64bit windows ?
ZX Microcontrollers are really good as hardware but as far as new PCs have 64bit OS this is a big problem for the product. The only way I can program my microcontroller is by a virtual machine which is not the best way.
Are anybody working for a solution for this problem ?
EDIT: 64bit Solved
ZBasic Compiler (No support for other OS)
ZBasic Compiler (No support for other OS)
Last edited by geocool on 03 August 2011, 9:30 AM, edited 1 time in total.
Re: ZBasic Compiler (No support for other OS & 64bit)
We have not seen any reports of problems running under Win7 (32-bit or 64-bit) other than the issue with parentheses in the installation pathname. Both the compiler and IDE are 32-bit applications and they should run fine on a WoW box on 64-bit Windows. Which 64-bit OS are you running and what types of problems are you seeing?geocool wrote:Until today there is no support for 64bit windows.
We have gotten very few inquiries about or requests for Linux/Mac versions. We do know that some customers are running the IDE and compiler under Wine on both platforms. In the future, a Mac version might be introduced but a Linux version is much more problematic due to the plethora of Linux distributions available and the incompatibilities among them.geocool wrote:Also there is no support for Linux or Mac.
- Don Kinzer
- Posts: 57
- Joined: 27 July 2009, 14:20 PM
- Location: Groningen, The Netherlands
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Code: Select all
>"C:\Program Files (x86)\ZBasic\zbasic.exe" --target-device=ZX24s --directory="C:\Users\Geocool\Desktop/" --project="myproj.pjt"
Error: one or more errors occurred in the back-end build process for "myproj.zxb"
>Exit code: 1
My OS: Windows 7 Home Edition 64bit
Mac user
I have been running ZBasic with a Mac ( Parallels Desktop & Win XP ) for as long as i bought my first ZX24 , without problems ... except firmware downloads , but they have worked fine so far , although slow .
But recently i have gotten a few failed firmware updates .
I use a IBM USB to Serial ( and parellel ) converter ( it has worked best in my environment )
I have had no problems downloading software , but in the past year i have had problems with firmware downloads , it takes about 2-4 minutes ,,, if windows does not crash .
Just last week i "fried" a brand new ZX24r , during firmware update windows displayed the blue screen and the ZX24r has been unresponsive ever since , even the emergency update does not work ( first time for me ) .
So i took an old computer with a RS232 port , installed ZBasic , and took a new ZX24r and to my surprise the update was completed in just 30 seconds , many times faster than i have ever seen with my Mac -> Windows -> USB -> Serial combination .
It could be the USB Serial dongle , but software downloads never fail ...
Has there been any major change to the firmware download in the past two years ?
But recently i have gotten a few failed firmware updates .
I use a IBM USB to Serial ( and parellel ) converter ( it has worked best in my environment )
I have had no problems downloading software , but in the past year i have had problems with firmware downloads , it takes about 2-4 minutes ,,, if windows does not crash .
Just last week i "fried" a brand new ZX24r , during firmware update windows displayed the blue screen and the ZX24r has been unresponsive ever since , even the emergency update does not work ( first time for me ) .
So i took an old computer with a RS232 port , installed ZBasic , and took a new ZX24r and to my surprise the update was completed in just 30 seconds , many times faster than i have ever seen with my Mac -> Windows -> USB -> Serial combination .
It could be the USB Serial dongle , but software downloads never fail ...
Has there been any major change to the firmware download in the past two years ?
Re: ZBasic Compiler (No support for other OS & 64bit)
I agree with Don's reasoning. I use PureBasic which compiles for Windows, Linux and OSX. 6-7 years ago, all it took was a few minor tweaks to use the same code for all - I tested on the 8-10 most widely used Linux distributions. But, increasingly, Linux distributions are becoming incompatible, making it a nightmare. In the future I may target 1-3 Linux distributions or I may just support Windows and OSX.dkinzer wrote:In the future, a Mac version might be introduced but a Linux version is much more problematic due to the plethora of Linux distributions available and the incompatibilities among them.
It's a bit amazing when you consider that the total market share (measured by browser hits) of the 2000+ versions of Linux is only 2% or so