Linux Mint and VB6 SP6 under Wine!

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Linux Mint and VB6 SP6 under Wine!

Post by GTBecker »

I've used VB6 in a number of ZBasic projects, usually for control or data display functions. VB6 is one of the tools that has kept me glued to Windows.

I'm thinking that will no longer be the case since VB6, with a little convincing, is now installed and running under Wine 1.5.0-0.2 - although one detail remain to be fixed. One control I need, Data32.ocx (originally from VB5, I think), seems not to want to load under Wine; other data grid functions appear to be working, though, so if I can't use that particular control some source code changes might remove the issue.

In any case, VB6 under Wine will be very useful.
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Re: Linux Mint and VB6 SP6 under Wine!

Post by dlh »

GTBecker wrote:...VB6 under Wine will be very useful.
PureBasic ($99 lifetime license for Win, Linux, OSX) would prove far more useful.
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Re: Linux Mint and VB6 SP6 under Wine!

Post by GTBecker »

dlh wrote:... would prove far more useful.
Could be; I'll take a look. For me, running VB6 under Linux is far more about maintaining old code than it is about using new or more features. Is PureBasic able to work with my existing VB6 projects?
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Re: Linux Mint and VB6 SP6 under Wine!

Post by dlh »

GTBecker wrote:Is PureBasic able to work with my existing VB6 projects?
No - you would need to rewrite them in PureBasic but that would give you an excellent introduction to its features and power.

You can import DLLs, etc. (at least those written in C) although I've never had the need so cannot offer any tips.

Once converted to PB, porting to Linux is fairly simple (you only need new code for serial and a few other things) and then porting the Linux code to OSX is even simpler since OSX is based on BSD.
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