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Unable to change ATN character in IDE

Posted: 23 December 2015, 17:22 PM
by Innovator_99
I seem to be unable to get the current IDE (v1.7.4 on Win7-64) to use a non-zero ATN character.

The Serial Port Options window will let me check the "Use ATN Character" checkbox, and I can then select the desired ATN character via the spin button control. But even with the "Save these settings" box checked, the selected ATN character reverts to zero when "Ok" is clicked to close the window.

A similar thing happens if I specify the ATN character in the User Options file: it reverts to zero as soon as the download is initiated.

Of course, the download then fails with the IDE reporting "Device failed to respond to ATN character (0) on COM1".

This must be due to some silly error on my part, but I'm stumped...TIA for any assistance.


Re: Unable to change ATN character in IDE

Posted: 23 December 2015, 19:45 PM
by dkinzer
Innovator_99 wrote:This must be due to some silly error on my part, but I'm stumped.
Actually not, it was caused by some recent edits to the resource file for the IDE. An updated version of the IDE can be downloaded via a link on the Downloads Page.

Note that the installer has not been updated yet. Rather, scroll down the page a bit until you see the link to download the IDE update. Extract the .exe file from the .zip archive to the IDE subsirectory of the ZBasic installation directory (rename/copy the existing ZBasicIDE.exe if you wish to preserve it).

Posted: 23 December 2015, 22:16 PM
by Innovator_99
Excellent! Thanks yet again for the superb support.
