avoid ZX24 reset when opening COM port?

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avoid ZX24 reset when opening COM port?

Post by stevech »

The goal is to run a terminal program, or the IDE, and look at the serial data coming out, without reseting the processor.

In my Windows XP Pro, DTR goes true when any program opens COM1. And there's apparently no default setting to affect DTR.

I know that XP toggles DTR upon the booting of Windows.
I also recall a registry patch to tell it to not "enumerate" a given (or all) COM ports. This is needed to keep Windows from mistaking ever-present data coming in on a com port for a mouse. Maybe with enumeration off, DTR wouldn't toggle during booting.

But booting aside, it would be nice to open a terminal program and not have the ZX reboot.

I know you could do this with a jumper on DTR or the reset circuit on the ZX24.
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Post by victorf »

stevech, might I inquire what terminal program you are using to do this? Is it a stand alone one like HypherTerminal or something different? I have been using a freeby called Terminal:


It might be worth a try and the price is right :)

I can say if it will solve your problem tho. :?


Vic Fraenckel
windswaytoo ATSIGN gmail DOT com
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Post by stevech »

I have about 4 different terminal programs (all freeware).
I've tried and discarded perhaps 15 over the years.

My favorite is

mainly because it's simple and has an option to auto-disconnect/reconnect when the window focus changes.

EDIT: I re-read your post - and funny! We refer to the same program!
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Terminal program to use with Zbasic testing

Post by tomhilton »

Is there a recommended terminal program to use with the Zbasic IDE so that Input can be provided to the Zbasic chip through Com 0. I know that the com port would have to be closed. I really hate hyperterminal.

None of the links in the above messages are any good any more.

Tom Hilton
Thomas Hilton
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Re: Terminal program to use with Zbasic testing

Post by dkinzer »

tomhilton wrote:None of the links in the above messages are any good any more.
I use TeraTerm. There is an add-on for it to do SSH as well.

I believe that this link works for Bray's Terminal
- Don Kinzer
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